Issue - meetings

Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures

Meeting: 03/12/2020 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Mid-year Performance Indicators for Recovery, Portfolio and Public Accountability Measures pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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That the report be noted.


The Chief Officer (Social Services)introduced the report for the performance of the service against performance indicators which were set early in the reporting period and stressed that in many ways it was a positive report as many areas had been maintained.


   In response to a question asked by Councillor Cunningham the Chief Officer (Social Services) said that the adoption services had coped quite well with the impact of the emergency situation and was improving.   The funding of the adoption service has been reviewed and each of the North Wales Authorities had committed an increase in funding to the service. He confirmed that Councillor Kevin Hughes was the Councils’ representative on the panel.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Wisinger                  and seconded by Councillor Healey.




That the report be noted.