Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2020/21 (EY &C)
Meeting: 28/01/2021 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)
37 Council Plan 2020/21 PDF 93 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Draft Council Plan (Part 1) 2021-22, item 37 PDF 136 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan 2020/21
That the Committee note the developed themes of the Council Plan 2021/22 prior to approval by Cabinet.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced a report to consider the proposed Council Plan for 2020/21 with specific focus on the Committee’s respective portfolio. She provided background information and gave a brief summary of the Plan, with particular focus around:-
· The new curriculum for Wales;
· Continued work to raise standards and achievement for young people;
· Youth Service provision;
· Aura Leisure and Library Service;
· Archive Project;
· Additional Learning Needs; and
· Welsh Medium Strategy
The Chief Officer invited the Strategic Performance Advisor to outline the contents of the draft plan and the process for further development. The Strategic Performance Advisor informed the Committee that a number of elements within the plan had been revised. He provided information on the partnership working across portfolios and said that this would be shared with all Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their feedback. The final draft plan including Overview & Scrutiny committee feedback would then be presented to Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet and Council. He added that with regard to monitoring of the Plan, the aim was to be able to demonstrate impact as an authority in a strategic sense, and that the Plan was ambitious but also realistic in view of current circumstances.
In response to a question from Councillor Patrick Heesom, the Chief Officer advised that the summary bid document for the Archive Project was confidential and drew his attention to a number of reports which had been presented to Cabinet and available to view.
Mr. David Hytch congratulated the local authority on an ambitious Council Plan and endorsed the comments made by the Chief Officer. He commented on the ‘Green Council’ element of the Plan and reported that there had been a loss of 97% of wildflower meadows nationally. He said that the Biodiversity Officer was aware of a national campaign to maintain botanical diversity and asked whether including the creative management of roadside verges to increase botanical diversity, within this priority area, would be helpful in furthering the ambitions of the Biodiversity Officer.
The Chairman welcomed the positive document and suggested that Councillors be encouraged to highlight parts of the Council Plan within their local newsletters to Flintshire residents. He suggested that the well-being of all Council staff be flagged up as an objective with goals set on what the Council would like to achieve. He also commented on the challenges for rural communities and said that he would like to see stronger emphasis on how the Council were addressing the challenges rural communities were facing.
The Chief Officer explained that a significant amount of work had been carried out to ensure the well-being of staff and that this was an internal process, whereas the Council Plan was an outward facing document to present to all resident of Flintshire the priorities of the Council. Officers agreed to feedback the comments and highlight areas within the Council Plan where priorities would assist rural communities.
The recommendation outlined within the report was moved by Councillor Janet Axworthy and seconded by Councillor Tudor Jones. ... view the full minutes text for item 37