Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (EY& C)
Meeting: 28/01/2021 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)
33 Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Draft Forward Work Programme, item 33 PDF 66 KB
- Appendix 2 – Action Tracking for the Education Youth & Culture OSC, item 33 PDF 61 KB
- Webcast for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the progress made in completing the outstanding actions be noted.
The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the draft Forward Work Programme and advised that formal feedback from Estyn on Blended Learning would be included as part of the self-evaluation of Education Services report to be presented at the next meeting. She drew Members attention to the reports to be presented to the joint Education Youth & Culture and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny meeting on the 17 June and advised that a report on Intensive Assessment and Therapeutic Support, as suggested by Councillor Mackie, had been added.
On action tracking, the majority of the actions had been completed, with information from IT on funding from Welsh Government (WG) for digital learning still to be provided to the Committee.
Mr David Hytch thanked the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) for the information circulated on Adult Community Learning but clarified that his specific question during the last meeting had been around how potential clients would be identified. The Chief Officer advised that due to the increase in funding and partnership working with Wrexham Council and the Deeside Community Trust, courses would be advertised more widely with an extensive range of programmes being made available to all people above the age of 19. Courses would be advertised for learners to apply to but also community partners could signpost or refer in – such as Coleg Cambria and Communities for Work, who were represented on the partnership.
The recommendations outlined within the report were proposed by Councillor Paul Cunningham and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the progress made in completing the outstanding actions be noted.