Issue - meetings

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Policy

Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Community, Housing & Assets Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 18/10/22 (Item 17)

17 Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Policy pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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That the Committee support the revised policy and new discretionary grant.


The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) and Benefits Manager introduced the revised policy and new discretionary grant.  As part of the Internal Audit review of the Disabled Facilities Grant service in June 2018, it was identified that the current policy required a review in order to make the process and detail clearer and easier to understand. 


The Benefits Manager outlined changes to the new policy and explained that the process has been greatly simplified for applying for a £36,000 grant based on a 5 year period of recommendations from specialists such as Occupational Health.  She added that there was no means test for children, and no means test for any works to be carried out under £10,000.  They had also removed the equity requirement for a top up grant, and relocation grants were still available of up to £20,000.


The Benefits Manager informed the Committee that Welsh Government (WG) timescales for adaptation had been adopted and where previously the work carried out had been recorded in the number of days, it would now be brought in line with WG and the wording changed to months/weeks.


The Chair commented that he was pleased that the grant was remaining at £36,000.


The recommendation outlined within the report was moved by Councillor Geoff Collet and seconded by Councillor Mared Eastwood.




That the Committee support the revised policy and new discretionary grant.