Issue - meetings

Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22

Meeting: 16/02/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 65)

65 Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 be approved;


(b)       That County Council notes the national position on the Exit Cap Regulations and potential changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which may require changes to the Pay Policy and Pensions Discretions Statements 2021;


(c)       That County Council delegates authority to the Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development to update the Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 during the course of the year to reflect any changes required by legislation, Government policy or national negotiations so that it remains accurate and current; and


(d)       That the policy include the wording ‘in other exceptional circumstances’ to reflect situations where Honoraria payments may apply.


The Chief Executive introduced the report on the annual Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 which summarised the pay and remuneration within an organisational, regional and national context.  It was a statutory obligation to publish the Pay Policy Statement each year within the deadline.


In summarising the main changes, the Senior Manager for Human Resources and Organisational Development referred to recommendation 2 in the report and advised that an announcement was expected from Welsh Government following the withdrawal of the Public Sector Exit Cap Regulations by the UK Government.


In moving the recommendations, Councillor Billy Mullin thanked the officers for the report.


Councillor Peers suggested that the section on Honoraria be amended to recognise employees who had been seconded to other roles during the emergency situation.


The Chief Executive confirmed that such arrangements were being made.


As suggested by the Chief Executive, Councillor Peers proposed that the wording ‘in other exceptional circumstances’ be added to the policy to reflect this.


On that basis, the recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Mullin and Carver.  The recommendations were put to the vote and carried.




(a)       That the Pay Policy Statement for 2021/22 be approved;


(b)       That County Council notes the national position on the Exit Cap Regulations and potential changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which may require changes to the Pay Policy and Pensions Discretions Statements 2021;


(c)       That County Council delegates authority to the Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development to update the Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 during the course of the year to reflect any changes required by legislation, Government policy or national negotiations so that it remains accurate and current; and


(d)       That the policy include the wording ‘in other exceptional circumstances’ to reflect situations where Honoraria payments may apply.