Issue - meetings
Review of Protocol for Meeting Contractors
Meeting: 01/04/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 77)
77 Review of Protocol for Meeting Contractors PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Protocol with tracked changes, item 77 PDF 159 KB
- Enc. 2 - Updated Protocol, item 77 PDF 72 KB
- Webcast for Review of Protocol for Meeting Contractors
(a) That the parts of the Protocol for Members in their Dealings with Contractors/ Developers and Other Third Parties relating to dealings with partners who might be bidding for or seeking a contract with the Council be amended as shown appended to the report; and
(b) That the parts of the Protocol for Members in their Dealings with Contractors/ Developers and Other Third Parties relating to Planning be transferred to the Planning Code of Guidance (to the extent that they are not already incorporated therein) and that the Planning Code of Guidance be updated.
The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to review the updated Protocol which provided guidance for Members in their dealings with parties seeking or engaged in contracts with the Council. The report recommended that parts of the Protocol relating to Planning be removed and incorporated into the Planning Code of Guidance. The changes took into account issues raised by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee during the consultation process.
In response to comments from Councillor Chris Bithell, the Chief Officer said that the Planning Code of Guidance would be updated to include relevant provisions from the Protocol, together with advice for Members on pre-application consultations.
After moving the recommendations, Councillor Ian Roberts urged Members to seek advice from Legal officers if they had any queries. This was seconded by Councillor Carolyn Thomas.
When put to the vote, the recommendations were carried.
(a) That the parts of the Protocol for Members in their Dealings with Contractors/ Developers and Other Third Parties relating to dealings with partners who might be bidding for or seeking a contract with the Council be amended as shown appended to the report; and
(b) That the parts of the Protocol for Members in their Dealings with Contractors/ Developers and Other Third Parties relating to Planning be transferred to the Planning Code of Guidance (to the extent that they are not already incorporated therein) and that the Planning Code of Guidance be updated.