Issue - meetings

Update on the Implementation of the Local Government & Elections Act 2021

Meeting: 01/04/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 79)

79 Update on the Implementation of the Local Government & Elections Act pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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That Council notes the implementation timetable and acknowledges that further reports will be brought in due course.


The Head of Democratic Services presented the report to apprise the Council of ongoing implementation of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 following the item received in January.  The report provided an update on the phased implementation of the three Commencement Orders to be introduced by May 2022.  Since publication of the report, the Second Commencement Order relating to a new performance and governance regime for principal Councils and the Third Commencement Order bringing into force provisions on attendance for Local Authority meetings and documents had been produced.  Further changes arising from the legislation would be reported to the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee and County Council.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Ian Roberts and Carolyn Thomas.


In response to a question from Councillor Mike Peers, the Chief Executive provided a brief update on the timetable for the County Boundary Review.


Councillor Richard Jones commented on the discussion in January on other aspects of the legislation and the Council’s resolution not to support proposals for Corporate Joint Committees (CJCs) as they currently stood.  The Chief Executive said that regional consensus had resulted in delayed implementation to allow for more work on how CJCs would work.  An update on the position would be reported to a future meeting.


Having been moved and seconded, the recommendation was put to the vote and carried.




That Council notes the implementation timetable and acknowledges that further reports will be brought in due course.