Issue - meetings
Care Inspectorate Wales – Assurance Visit Outcomes
Meeting: 13/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 Care Inspectorate Wales – Assurance Visit Outcomes PDF 108 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Care Inspectorate Wales – Assurance Visit Outcomes, item 16 PDF 426 KB
- Enc. 2 for Care Inspectorate Wales – Assurance Visit Outcomes, item 16 PDF 99 KB
- Webcast for Care Inspectorate Wales – Assurance Visit Outcomes
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Jones introduced the report and explained that Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) was the independent regulator of Social Care and Childcare in Wales. They regulated social care and early years services using the regulations and national minimum standards set out by Welsh Government (WG) through the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
The report presented the findings of the recent CIW Assurance Check of Flintshire Social Services and set out the executive response and action plan to improvement areas identified in the findings letter.
The Assurance Check took place from 19th – 23rd April with eight inspectors meeting with individuals, families, practitioners, managers and partner agencies. CIW concentrated its key lines of enquiry within the four principles of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, which were:
· People – Voice and Control
· Prevention
· Well-being
· Partnership and Integration
The report reflected CIW feedback that there were many strengths in Flintshire Social Services and the inspectors were “assured” that Flintshire was discharging its statutory functions to keep people safe and promote their well-being during the pandemic, and that the Council prevented the need for children to come in to care; and children were returning home to their families where appropriate.
The letter also identified areas for improvement including giving further consideration to the value of independent advocates to support children and young people. It was also identified that an area of improvement was to ensure that there was sufficient evidence in children’s services of the analysis of need and decision making in care records.
Members paid tribute to the Annual Report and thanked all officers involved.
Councillor Bithell asked how the independent advocacy service was offered to young people. The Senior Manager – Children and Workforce explained that the Council was obliged to do an ‘active offer’ so that at key points young people were aware they had the right to an advocate, and what that entailed. It was also raised at each young person’s review. He added that Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) identified that staff were good and proactive in speaking up for children. In response to a further question from Councillor Bithell on recruitment, the Senior Manager – Children and Workforce explained that Glyndwr was the Council’s associated University although recruitment has in the past taken place with graduates from other Universities.
That the executive response and action plan be approved.