Issue - meetings

Declaration of Diversity in Democracy

Meeting: 22/07/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 23)

23 Declaration of Diversity in Democracy pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That Council recognises the importance of diversity in democracy, and commits to developing an action plan to improve diversity;


b)         That the detailed work creating the Flintshire Diversity in Democracy Action Plan be undertaken by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee; and


(c)        That that the Council writes to the WLGA, seeking  a declaration to be signed by employers to consent to releasing employees for public service.


The Head of Democratic Services presented a report to invite the Council to support in principle the making of a Declaration of Diversity in Democracy.  He provided background information and advised that each of the 22 principal councils in Wales was being asked to make a Diversity in Democracy Declaration. 


The County Council was invited to recognise the importance of this and to commit to developing an action plan to improve diversity in democracy in Flintshire.  Should  Council agree, a Declaration of Diversity in Democracy would be made in principle and thereafter the detailed work in creating the Flintshire Diversity in Democracy Action Plan would be undertaken by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee. 


Speaking in support of a Flintshire Declaration of Diversity in Democracy, Councillor Christine Jones moved the recommendations in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.


Councillor Neville Phillips expressed concerns around the Welsh Local Government Association’s proposals to introduce ‘resettlement grants’ to councillors should they lose their seat at an election.  The Head of Democratic Services explained that the proposal was ‘aspirational’ at the current time and had not been confirmed.


Councillor Ron Davies commented on the need for councillors who were in employment to be allowed to take time off work to attend meetings during their public service.  The Chief Officer (Governance) explained there was already provision to enable employers to allow councillors reasonable time off work to attend meetings. However, he acknowledged that some employers were more accommodating in their approach to this than others.


Councillor Ian Roberts suggested that the Council  should prompt the WLGA to ask for a declaration to be signed by employers, consenting  to their employees having paid time off for public service.  He also suggested that the Council’s own practices be reviewed to consider if the arrangements for meetings/workshops could be improved for councillors who were in employment. 


Councillor Gladys Healey spoke in support of the comments made by Councillor Roberts. 


Councillors Christine Jones and Billy Mullin accepted the suggestion to write to the WLGA as an addition to the substantive motion and when put to the vote this was carried.




(a)       That Council recognises the importance of diversity in democracy, and commits to developing an action plan to improve diversity;


b)         That the detailed work creating the Flintshire Diversity in Democracy Action Plan be undertaken by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee; and


(c)        That that the Council writes to the WLGA, seeking  a declaration to be signed by employers to consent to releasing employees for  public service.