Issue - meetings

Appointment of a new Chief Executive

Meeting: 03/08/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 33)

Appointment Chief Executive


That the recommendation of the Appointments Panel to appoint Neal Cockerton as Chief Executive on a salary range of £131,664 to £143,110 (subject to any pay award), commencing at the lowest spinal point of the scale, commencing 1st November 2021 be approved.


The Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced the report which provided the background to the appointments process carried out in July for the appointment of the Chief Executive.


As a result of the assessment programme, the Appointments Panel resolved to recommend to Council the appointment of Neal Cockerton as Chief Executive.


The Chief Officer (Governance) provided assurance to Members that the process had been sound and rigorous.


Councillor Ian Roberts moved the recommendation, which was seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.  At this point in the meeting Mr Cockerton was invited to attend.


Councillor Roberts thanked the Appointments Panel for the considerable deliberations that took place which provided confidence in the recommendation and he congratulated Mr Cockerton on his appointment.


Councillor Peers welcomed the recommendation and said Mr Cockerton demonstrated the experience, drive and commitment to undertake the role of Chief Executive.


Members from across the Chamber offered their congratulations to Mr Cockerton which he thanked them for and confirmed that he accepted the offer which was a great honour and privilege.  He had joined the authority 18 years ago and worked in a wider number of areas delivering front line services and leading on innovative projects.  He looked forward to the future in his new role.




That the recommendation of the Appointments Panel to appoint Neal Cockerton as Chief Executive on a salary range of £131,664 to £143,110 (subject to any pay award), commencing at the lowest spinal point of the scale, commencing 1st November 2021 be approved.