Issue - meetings
Annual Performance Report 2020/21
Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Flintshire County Council (Item 52)
52 Annual Performance Report 2020/21 PDF 97 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Annual Performance Report 2020/21, item 52 PDF 4 MB
- Webcast for Annual Performance Report 2020/21
(a) That the Annual Performance Report 2020/2021 be approved; and
(b) That the appreciation of all Members of the Council for the outstanding work undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic be passed to Officers and their teams in all Services.
The Chief Executive introduced a report on the Annual Performance Report 2020-21. He provided background information and advised that the Report had been presented to the meeting of Cabinet held prior to County Council and had been recommended to Council for approval. The Chief Executive drew attention to the areas highlighted for improvement and advised that performance against the Council Plan measures was positive overall.
Councillor Ian Roberts commented on the challenge of the global pandemic and said he was proud of the exceptional performance of the Council’s employees in such difficult and unprecedented circumstances. He asked that Chief Officers forward sincere thanks to their teams on behalf of the County Council for their work.
Councillor Roberts formally proposed that the appreciation of all Members of the Council for the outstanding work undertaken by Officers and employees in all services be included as an additional recommendation in the report. Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the motion.
In endorsing the comments made by Councillor Roberts, Councillor Mike Peers paid tribute to the work of Schools and the support provided for children of key workers throughout the pandemic Referring to page 62 of the agenda and the long term planning for recovery of town centres, he noted that charges for car parking had been reintroduced but asked that town centres continued to be monitored and adjustments made as necessary to encourage footfall in the future. Councillor Peers drew attention to the social value information on page 63 of the agenda and the success of the Marleyfield Care Home facility which he said was to be applauded.
Councillor Ian Dunbar spoke in support of the work and services provided by the Housing and Assets team to support the residents of Flintshire.
Councillor Andy Hughes paid tribute to all employees in Social Services for their outstanding work during the pandemic.
The Chief Executive thanked Members for their support. He said that targets set for social value performance had been exceeded for the first 12-18 months and the Council was regarded as an exemplar authority by the Welsh Government and had been asked to mentor other authorities as a result.
Having been moved and seconded, the recommendations were put to the vote and carried.
(a) That the Annual Performance Report 2020/2021 be approved; and
(b) That the appreciation of all Members of the Council for the outstanding work undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic be passed to Officers and their teams in all Services.