Issue - meetings

Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW)

Meeting: 17/11/2021 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 30)

30 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To receive the Draft Annual Report for 2022

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee notes the Determinations made by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in the draft Annual Report for 2022/23; and

(b)       That the Head of Democratic Services writes to the IRPW on behalf of the

            Committee to endorse the collective view of the Group Leaders as follows:


  • It is disappointing that the IRPW have allowed the situation to develop

that such a large increase in Members’ salaries was now necessary; and


  • We believe that the increase should not be in one tranche, but

incrementally over the life of the next Council also ensuring that those

increments take into account the levels of inflation prevailing at the time



The Head of Democratic Services introduced a report on the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) draft Annual Report for 2022.  He provided background information and said the IRPW had sent the draft Annual Report to County Councils on 29 September, requesting comments to be made by 26 November 2021.  The IRPW was required to take into account any representations it received on the draft before issuing the final version of the report in February 2022.


In presenting the draft report, the Head of Democratic Services  advised that the IRPW proposed an increase in the basic salary in 2021/22 for elected members of principal Councils which shall be £16,800 with effect from 9 May 2022.  Increases were also proposed for Cabinet Members, Council Leaders and their deputies.  The Head of Democratic Services advised that the IRPW draft Annual Report had been considered by Group Leaders at a meeting held on 28 October, and their collective view was detailed in paragraph 1.18 of the report.  Councillor Neville Phillips, Chair of the Democratic Services & Constitution Committee, and the Head of Democratic Services had shared preliminary observations and feedback from Group Leaders with representatives of  the IRPW at a consultation meeting held on 2 November.  The Head of Democratic Services sought the view of the Committee on the proposals made by the IRPW in the draft report for 2022 and onwards.


Councillor David Healey expressed a number of concerns and proposed that the Head of Democratic Services, on behalf of the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee, writes to the IRPW to endorse the collective view of the Group Leaders as set out in paragraph 1.18 of the report.  This was seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.  When put to the vote this was agreed by the Committee.




(a)       That the Committee notes the Determinations made by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales in the draft Annual Report for 2022/23; and

(b)       That the Head of Democratic Services writes to the IRPW on behalf of the

            Committee to endorse the collective view of the Group Leaders as follows:


  • It is disappointing that the IRPW have allowed the situation to develop

that such a large increase in Members’ salaries was now necessary; and


  • We believe that the increase should not be in one tranche, but

incrementally over the life of the next Council also ensuring that those

increments take into account the levels of inflation prevailing at the time