Issue - meetings

Audit Wales review of Town Centre Regeneration

Meeting: 17/11/2021 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 34)

34 Audit Wales review of Town Centre Regeneration pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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That the Audit Wales recommendations to the Council are noted and the proposed response to Audit Wales is approved.


The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager presented the report on the findings of the Audit Wales review on ‘Regenerating Town Centres in Wales’.  The report summarised the pressures and trends facing town centres in Wales and actions undertaken so far by the public sector to respond.


The Council’s responses to each of the six recommendations (three for Welsh Government and three specifically for the Council) were summarised, as set out in the report.  Having been considered by Cabinet and the Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, the report was shared with this Committee to consider the proposed response.


Councillor Geoff Collett welcomed the aim of supporting town centres.  In response to comments about the re-distribution of national non-domestic rates (NNDR), the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that this was a long-standing national issue on which there was ongoing debate.  He clarified the Council’s role as a net contributor to NNDR and its position as a low-funded Council.


The Revenues & Procurement Manager confirmed that the current funding mechanism made no provision for re-distributing taxes to Town and Community Councils and would require a change in legislation to do so.  He provided details of the 100% rate relief available to retailers through the Retail, Leisure & Hospitality Rate Relief Scheme by Welsh Government (WG).


Councillor Paul Johnson urged Members to take the opportunity to participate in forthcoming WG consultation on local tax reforms.


Following comments from the Chairman and Councillor Joe Johnson on support for markets, the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager spoke about ongoing engagement with key stakeholders during this challenging period and plans to review provision at a later stage.


In responding to the discussion, Councillor Ian Roberts reinforced the Council’s commitment to support town centre markets and welcomed the review.


The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Joe Johnson and Arnold Woolley.




That the Audit Wales recommendations to the Council are noted and the proposed response to Audit Wales is approved.