Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Mid-year Review 2021/22 and Quarter 2 Update

Meeting: 17/11/2021 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 37)

37 Treasury Management Mid-year Review 2021/22 and Quarter 2 Update pdf icon PDF 359 KB

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That the Committee notes the draft Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021/22 and confirms that there are no matters to be drawn to the attention of Cabinet at its meeting in December 2021.


The Strategic Finance Manager presented the draft Treasury Management mid-year report for 2021/22 for recommendation to Cabinet, together with an update on Quarter 2 activities for information.


A summary of the key points involved the continued economic recovery from the emergency situation, the continuation of low interest rates and ongoing use of short-term borrowing.  The quarterly update included a reminder of forthcoming Treasury Management training sessions and confirmation that Arlingclose Ltd had been re-appointed as the Council’s Treasury Management advisors following a competitive tendering exercise.


In endorsing the use of internal resources in lieu of borrowing, Allan Rainford asked about a shift in approach prior to interest rates rising.  It was noted that officers would be discussing options for future borrowing requirements and that interest rate projections were being closely monitored.


The recommendation was moved by Allan Rainford and seconded by Councillor Patrick Heesom.




That the Committee notes the draft Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021/22 and confirms that there are no matters to be drawn to the attention of Cabinet at its meeting in December 2021.