Issue - meetings

Corporate Recovery Risk Profile

Meeting: 04/11/2021 - Recovery Committee (Item 46)

46 Corporate Recovery Risk Profile pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To review the updated Corporate Recovery Risk Register.

Additional documents:


Jay Davies introduced the report which provided an update on the Corporate Recovery Risk Register and Mitigations, which were detailed in appendices 1 and 2 of the report.


Risks continued to be managed well as they had been throughout the pandemic.  There were 34.3% of risks rated greet, 65.7% rated as amber and 0% rated as red.


There were a total of 35 risks that had previously been closed; 34 of those closed due to reaching target risk rating.  One risk was closed due to duplication and there were no risks to be closed at this review.


‘CF14  Increase in rent arrears impacts on the stability of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan’ had been removed following agreement by the Committee at the last meeting, due to the risk being reported through the Housing and Assets risk register which would reduce duplication.


The Senior Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that three risks which were increasing in risk trend were:


·         CW14  - increase in workforce turnover due to employees making personal life choices and impact of volatility and change in the employment market which impacted on successful recruitment to vacancies

·         CW16 – increased sickness absence both COVID and non COVID related

·         CW17 – increased numbers of mental health related absences


The Chief Officer (Governance) explained two further risks increasing in risk trend were:


·         CG04 – Diversion of resource to emergency management response and recovery work delayed implementation of key digital and infrastructure projects

·         CG14 – delay in or increased cost of obtaining digital devices due to continued demand arising from the response to the pandemic.


In response to a question from Councillor McGuill on attracting people to work at the Council, the Senior Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development explained there was a suite of benefits available to employees and they would be advertised further.


Councillor Jones moved the report which was seconded by Councillor Cunningham.





That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted noting increased risks relating to recruitment, sickness absence and resources.