Issue - meetings

Establishing the Corporate Joint Committee for North Wales

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 Establishing the Corporate Joint Committee for North Wales pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the report and explained that the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 gave Ministers the power to create a new type of regional body called a Corporate Joint Committee (CJC).   Ministers had mandated the creation of four CJCs across Wales, with each having the same four functions:  economic well-being; preparing a Strategic Development Plan; transport and improving education.  The precise governance arrangements for each CJC were to be settled by the body itself.


The Chief Executive added that the CJC for North Wales was created on 1st April 2021 and its functions would come into force on 30th June 2022.  It must set its outline budget for its first year of operation by the end of January 2022.  It was therefore now necessary for the CJC to outline its governance arrangements.  The economic well-being function encompassed the purpose for which the North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB) was created.  The strategic planning and transport functions would influence the NWEAB’s role as well and so it was important that the new body took account of, and dovetailed with, the existing regional governance structures.  Proposals for the governance structure were appended to the report. 


The Chief Officer (Governance) added that Snowdonia National Park Authority was an additional voting member of the CJC, but only on matters relating to the strategic planning function and its budget. 


Councillor Johnson welcomed the report, particularly the Councils and the CJC having concurrent powers in relation to promoting economic well-being, and the wider duties which underpinned the proposals.


In response to a question from Councillor Bithell on there being a requirement for a host authority for strategic planning, and one for strategic transport, the Chief Executive explained that Flintshire currently worked strategically on transportation so the required skills were available if Flintshire was asked to be the host authority for strategic transport. 


Councillor Banks also welcomed the report and asked if it would be a future topic for a Member workshop.  The Chief Executive explained that this was an evolving piece of work and reports would be submitted on a regular basis to Overview and Scrutiny and to Cabinet.


The Chief Officer (Governance) added that the report was being considered by all six Councils and so was in a common format to ensure consistent presentation of the issues to each Council.




(a)       That the functions of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board be agreed in principle to be transferred by way of a delegation agreement to the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee on condition:

a)         that the statutory framework that the Welsh Government are developing allows for the delegation of the relevant executive functions to a Corporate Joint Committee

b)         that the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee agrees to the establishment of a Sub-Committee, with membership to be agreed with the Councils, to undertake the functions of the Economic Ambition Board


(b)       That the transition be agreed in order to achieve a streamlined governance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84