Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2022/23

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)

54 Council Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consult on Part 1 of the Council Plan 2022/23.

Additional documents:


That feedback be noted on the refreshed content of the themes for the Draft Council Plan 2022-23 prior to sharing with Cabinet in June 2022.


            The Strategic Performance Advisor presented the Draft Council Plan for 2022-23 which highlighted the key priorities of the Council for the year.  The themes and priorities remained the same but a review of all the actions and tasks hastaken place following the Council’s response to the Pandemic and Recovery.  The 2022/23 draft Council Plan hasbeen agreed by Cabinet and was now being circulated for consultation to all Overview & Scrutiny Committees by early February.  Following the Elections in May there would be opportunities for new members of the Council to view and contribute to the plan in June. The Strategic Performance Advisor would then consolidate all feedback prior to the final plan being presented to Cabinet and Council in July


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Owen Thomas and Joe Johnson.




That feedback be noted on the refreshed content of the themes for the Draft Council Plan 2022-23 prior to sharing with Cabinet in June 2022.