Issue - meetings

Social Value

Meeting: 15/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 122)

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Johnson introduced the report and explained that delivering social value from Council activity and expenditure was a corporate priority for the Council and the Council was recognised for its positive work on social value, with the Social Value Development Officer in high demand for their knowledge, skills and expertise.


            The Social Value Development Officer explained that the social value programme, had, since its inception, thrived, with around 90% of all procurement activity supported to include social value deliverables.  Between January and September 2021 over £2.2m actual social value had been recorded as delivered in Flintshire.


            To sustain the positive impact social value delivered for local communities, Flintshire County Council had already committed to an ongoing programme of social value work by making the position of the Social Value Development Officer permanent.


            The report highlighted some of the positive outcomes to date and looked to maintain the Council’s priority of delivering social value with revised targets for 2022/23.


            The report was submitted to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where it was well received. 


            Members thanked the Strategic Executive Officer and the Social Value Development Officer for all of their work on this.




(a)       That the performance of the social value programme to date be noted;


(b)       That the proposal around performance reporting and to secure an achievable social value work programme for 2022/23, given available resource, be endorsed; and


(c)        That Cabinet continue to support the social value programme, understanding that further opportunities exist to enhance this but these will require additional capacity / resource to progress.