Issue - meetings

Accessible Dropped Kerb Crossings for Pedestrians

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 68)

68 Accessible Dropped Kerb Crossings for Pedestrians pdf icon PDF 138 KB

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That the Committee note and support the process for accepting and implementing requests for accessible drop kerb crossings for pedestrians.


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) confirmed the report was presented following a request from committee.  It provided information on the requests for uncontrolled crossings and provision of tactile pavements.


            The Highway Network Manager firstly referred to recent changes in the Highway Code which was provided at 1.02 of the report.  He outlined the reasons and benefits for installing dropped crossings to the assist safe crossing of the highway by all road users and the standards which had to be followed.  Active Travel addressed considerations from local authorities, but the delivery of the fully integrated network could take years to achieve.  Dropped crossing were considered when highway improvements and maintenance schemes were carried out, and the request process was outlined in the report.  There was no revenue funding for this provision and opportunities via external grant funding were explored.  The Highway Network Manager then referred to the prioritisation process which was transparent, and the scoring matrix was outlined in the report. 


            In response to the question from Councillor George Hardcastle on the allocation of funding the Highway Network Manager explained that most requests for dropped crossings were funded through Active Travel grant funding from WG.  The Active Travel core funding provided flexibility for the Council to address routes which had been identified on the Active Travel Integrated Map and the network.  Also, if grant funding schemes for improvements or maintenance were made then the Council would identify any requests for dropped crossings in those areas and these would be carried out at the same time.


            The Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection referred to 1.07 on page 135 which stated it was an offence to obstruct or park on pedestrian dropped kerbs.  He reported on instances of cars parking across dropped crossings in his ward and asked who was responsible for enforcement.  In response the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained if they had parked on the line markings then the enforcement team would be able to act.  If they were no line markings, then the Police would need to be involved as it would be classed as an obstruction.  The Regulatory Services Manager reported that this was a grey area in residential areas and that the Council had no powers unless it was within a special enforcement zone when the enforcement team could issue fixed penalty notices.  WG legislation would be required to enable enforcement across all areas of obstruction on dropped crossings.  She confirmed that some fixed penalty notices had been issued but it was difficult as officers had to be present at the time.  She asked Members to identify areas to her and she would take it back to the enforcement team to enable them to patrol those areas.   The Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection added that there needed to be a robust conversation with WG and the Police as these were not being enforced and were not fit for purpose if blocked by inconsiderate parking.


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) confirmed there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68