Issue - meetings

Managed Agency Contract Extension

Meeting: 14/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 7)

Managed Agency Contract Extension

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Mullin introduced the report and explained that the Council used a framework contract, procured jointly with Denbighshire County Council, to provide its agency staff.


            The Corporate Manager, People and Organisational Development added that the current contract was due to expire in August 2022 and the current agreement included an option to extend the contract for one further year. 




(a)       That an extension of the existing managed agency contract by 12 months from 28/08/22 to 31/08/23 be agreed; and


(b)       That the service be re-tendered in 2023 to allow the necessary time for Flintshire County Council, in collaboration with Denbighshire County Council, to procure a new contract.