Issue - meetings
Adoption of the National Model Constitution
Meeting: 07/07/2022 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 6)
6 Adoption of the National Model Constitution PDF 86 KB
The County Council’s Constitution is
based on a national model produced jointly by the WLGA and Lawyers
in Local Government (the Monitoring Officer’s professional
group). The model is 8 years old so WLGA and LLG commissioned an
update. The Council needs to apply the updates to its own
Constitution and consider whether any other changes are
Additional documents:
(a) That the 5 members appointed to the working group consider the updates and revisions to the national model constitution and the plain language guide, before making proposals for their adoption.
(b) That the working group report back to this Committee in January with the intention of approving the changes at a Council meeting in early 2023.
(c) That the date of this Committee in January be brought forward to enable it to consider the working group’s recommendations ahead of the Council meeting on 24 January 2023.
In presenting this report the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that prior to the Local Government Act 2000, local authorities were not required to have a Constitution document. He provided background information on how the National Model was prepared in 2014 which had enabled a standard Constitution to be used across all authorities. Following the introduction of the Local Government and Elections Wales Act 2021 local authorities were required to offer a plain language summary of the Constitution. He explained that a firm of solicitors had been instructed to update the national model before supplying a plain language guide. This had been funded by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA). A list of changes was also provided for local authorities to consider and apply to their own constitution if it differed from the national model.
The Chief Officer (Governance) suggested that a working group of 5 members of the committee be set up to consider the revisions and update to the national model and plain language guide. They would then report back to committee and then the committee would make a recommendation to full council. The Deputy Monitoring Officer would be leading on this, and the Chief Officer (Governance) felt it would be good for new members to be involved to provide different ideas and prospective. It was agreed that the Working Group would include Councillors Ted Palmer, David Coggins Cogan, Gina Maddison together with the Chair and Vice Chair of the committee.
The recommendations within the report were moved and seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer and Councillor Michelle Perfect
(a) That the 5 members appointed to the working group consider the updates and revisions to the national model constitution and the plain language guide, before making proposals for their adoption.
(b) That the working group report back to this Committee in January with the intention of approving the changes at a Council meeting in early 2023.
(c) That the date of this Committee in January be brought forward to enable it to consider the working group’s recommendations ahead of the Council meeting on 24 January 2023.