Issue - meetings
Shared Prosperity Fund
Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)
33 Shared Prosperity Fund PDF 136 KB
Additional documents:
(a) that the progress made in developing the SPF programme both regionally and locally be noted;
(b) that the broad outline of the structures and processes to be used to deliver the programme be noted’ and
(c) that the proposed outline uses of 2022/2023 funds by the Council be supported
The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager presented the report. He provided background information and advised that the report provided an update on the development of the programme management infrastructure, locally and regionally, and sets out recommended priorities for the programme as well as criteria by which projects seeking funding through the programme would be assessed. The report also provided a broad update on the strategic Council projects which were under development in readiness for the programme. Members were asked to recommend to Cabinet for approval to be given for the framework of priorities and processes needed to effectively operate the programme.
Councillor David Healey spoke in support of the project and commended the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager on his work.
The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded by Councillors Dan Rose and Mike Allport.
(a) that the progress made in developing the SPF programme both regionally and locally be noted;
(b) that the broad outline of the structures and processes to be used to deliver the programme be noted’ and
(c) that the proposed outline uses of 2022/2023 funds by the Council be supported