Issue - meetings

Theatr Clwyd Project - Update

Meeting: 23/09/2022 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)

Theatr Clwyd Project - Update

Additional documents:


That the report be accepted.


The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report to seek support for the Council’s share of the projected increase in costs for the capital refurbishment of Theatr Clwyd, provided that Welsh Government (WG) agree to bear its share of the extra costs in line with the proportions previously agreed.  He suggested that the Executive Director of Theatr Clwyd, who was in attendance to provide information and respond to questions, should remain in the meeting until such time as the Committee may wish to have a confidential discussion.


The Chief Executive and Corporate Manager (Capital Programme and Assets) provided background on key aspects of the report.


In acknowledging the value of the Council’s support for Theatr Clwyd, the Executive Director provided information on investment streams and assurance on the project through an independent report.


Councillor Ian Roberts advised Members of the Cabinet’s intention to approve the additional £1.5m to proceed with the project.  However, in the event of WG being unable or unwilling to proportionally increase its contribution, Councillor Roberts stated that Cabinet would refer the matter to full Council for a final decision.


In response to detailed questions from Members, clarification was given on a range of issues including financial elements and contractual arrangements with the project.




That the report be accepted.