Issue - meetings

Wepre Park Management plan

Meeting: 23/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 129)

129 Wepre Park Management plan pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Healey introduced the report and said Wepre Park was one of Flintshire’s finest parks and contained some of the most beautiful, culturally rich parkland in the region.


The park was important to thousands of visitors each year.  The Management Plan set out the strategic direction and associated action plan for the next five years.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) said the report had been submitted to Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee where it was supported.  Work has been undertaken with local Members and Friends of Wepre Park, the details of which were appended to the report.




That the new five-year management plan for Wepre park be endorsed.