Issue - meetings
Membership of the River Dee Nutrient Management Board
Meeting: 20/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 95)
95 Membership of the River Dee Nutrient Management Board PDF 163 KB
Additional documents:
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Bithell introduced the report which sought approval to formally participate in a newly-formed partnership in North Wales, the ‘Dee Catchment Nutrient Management Board’.
Participation would be alongside Wrexham Council and other North Wales and adjoining English councils, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government and Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water and others including developers, landowners and the agricultural sector, to oversee the co-ordination and implementation of a strategy and action plan to tackle phosphorus pollution in the River Dee.
The report set out the reasons for creating the Co-ordinating Board and the draft terms of reference.
The Dee Catchment Phosphorus Reduction Strategy (November 2021) was appended to the report and had been prepared jointly by Flintshire and Wrexham Councils because they had to address the issue of phosphorus in the Examinations in Public into their respective Local Development Plans (LDP).
Phosphorus was a nutrient and pollutant derived from wastewater, primarily
originating from agriculture, but also from existing and new human development
(housing etc.). Historically, it had been removed from wastewater at water
treatment works (WWTWs) before the treated water was discharged into the main
rivers (in Flintshire’s case, the River Alyn which then flowed into the River Dee).
In January 2021, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) introduced much more
stringent limits on discharges of phosphorus into the River Dee to protect the River
Dee and Bala Lake Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The new standard had been applied to all other river SACs in Wales.
The new board was non-statutory and would not have decision-making powers. Any recommendations, such as the final strategy and action plan, would need to be endorsed by the respective Councils’ Executive Boards (or their equivalent).
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) explained the high-level breakdown of the proposed board and sub-groups which would input into and co-ordinate the delivery of the Strategy and Action Plan.
The terms of reference of the board and sub-groups were appended to the report and were based on the approach used in the River Wye board. It would be for the proposed board to agree their final form.
Councillor Healey proposed an amendment to recommendation number 2 to provide for a substitution should the Cabinet Member be unavailable to attend.
(a) That the establishment of, and Council involvement in, the River Dee Nutrient Management Board be supported;
(b) That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection be nominated to represent the Council on the new board and if they are unable to attend that a substitute should attend to represent the Council; and
(c) That in-principle approval of the Dee Catchment Phosphorus Reduction Strategy (November 2021) (appended to the report) be given, subject to considering further versions for approval as the new Board develops and refines the strategy and associated action plan.