Issue - meetings
Safeguarding Adults and Children's Annual Report
Meeting: 19/01/2023 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)
42 Safeguarding Adults and Children's Annual Report PDF 155 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee accepts the report as relevant information in relation to Flintshire Safeguarding for the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 and the additional information;
(b) That the Committee takes due regard to the variety of activity across the Safeguarding Unit and the continuing development and improvement in the service provision; and
(c) That the Committee is satisfied that the Safeguarding Process for Adults and Children in Flintshire is robust.
The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning introduced the Adult Safeguarding Manager and one of the Child Protection Conference Chairs who was there to answer any questions from Members, due to the absence of the Safeguarding Unit Manager who wrote the report. She explained that the purpose of the Annual Report was to inform Members of the work that had been done, the work that would be done and to consider key statistical and performance related information about children and adults at risk for whom the Authority had significant safeguarding and corporate safeguarding responsibilities. Also to consider the impact of the All Wales Safeguarding procedures that were launched back in 2019.
Councillor Ellis questioned if the Safeguarding Board included Health which the Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning confirmed that they were a key partner at the Safeguarding Board as well as all of the sub-groups that sat beneath. The Adult Safeguarding Manager added that there were two Safeguarding Specialists based in Wrexham Maelor Hospital with whom they were in regular contact. She also advised of good links with the Countess of Chester which could be difficult cross border with the different legislation.
The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commission confirmed that there were 191 Children on the Child Protection Register in response to Councillor Ellis.
Councillor Mackie was concerned about children leaving care because of their age and thought that they should be looked after beyond the age of 18. The Senior Manager (Children and Workforce) explained that there were different categories of care leavers but if a child had been looked after for more than 13 weeks, the responsibility did not end at the age of 18 as there was an additional responsibility to support them up to the age of 25. He explained that the ‘When I’m Ready’ initiative was when children who turned 18 were given the opportunity to stay in the foster care environment if they wished. He added that the policy was in the process of being updated based on what has been learned and feedback that has been received since it was introduced a few years ago.
The Chair further questioned what guidance was given in respect of the lump sum of money they were given by Welsh Government. The Senior Manager (Children and Workforce) advised that the Basic Income Pilot (BIP) was a Welsh Government two year pilot where care leavers received a guaranteed monthly income. He confirmed that locally they were working with CAB who gave financial support to young people to use the money responsibly. Welsh Government were also undertaking an evaluation and had sent out questionnaires to our Looked After Children who were in receipt of BIP so that they could understand the impact it had. Councillors and Corporate parents were also involved in the evaluation in order to get their perspective. The Senior Manager - Children and Workforce advised that when received, the results would be reported back through the Children’s Services Forum to get opinions ... view the full minutes text for item 42