Issue - meetings
Risk Management Update
Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 10)
10 Risk Management Update PDF 90 KB
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That having been assured that risks have been managed throughout the year, the Committee accepts the report and agrees that the level of information required is as suggested by the Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the update report to give assurance of progress in moving all risks into the new Risk Management system ‘InPhase’.
Since the report in November 2022, the risk management framework had been shared with key officers and published online, with portfolios undertaking a review of their respective risks. The Performance and Risk Management team was now fully resourced and an e?learning module had been developed. All strategic risks had now been imported into InPhase and each risk would be allocated to the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee, with a process established to report regularly to the Chief Officer team and highlight any areas of non-compliance. As the next steps, the officer suggested that this Committee receives a high-level overview of strategic risks where risks were under-performing, including the direction of travel together, with a summary of those risks to consider whether the relevant Chief Officer should be invited to give explanation. The report would also include details of reporting to Overview & Scrutiny Committees to give further assurance.
The Chairman agreed with the suggestion, which would give the opportunity for the Committee to focus on particular areas of concern where needed.
The Internal Audit Manager took on board Rev Brian Harvey’s comments that the Committee should be provided with enough information to clearly understand the issues to enable it to add value and make a difference.
Also speaking in support, Sally Ellis commented on the need to agree criteria for inviting Chief Officers to address the Committee on risks, to separate the roles of the Committee and Overview & Scrutiny. The officers agreed to incorporate this into the process.
The recommendation, as amended, was moved and seconded by Councillor Linda Thomas and Sally Ellis.
That having been assured that risks have been managed throughout the year, the Committee accepts the report and agrees that the level of information required is as suggested by the Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager.