Issue - meetings
Member Workshops, Briefings and Seminars Update
Meeting: 15/03/2023 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 32)
32 Member Workshops, Briefings and Seminars Update PDF 104 KB
To provide members with an update on
engagement events held/planned since the last report.
Additional documents:
(a) That a ‘training needs analysis’ be undertaken of all Members by the
Democratic Service Manager to better inform future development
(b) That if Members had any suggestions for future development they contact the Democratic Services Manager to discuss them; and
(c) That a draft training and development plan be brought back to the
Committee meeting in June.
The Democratic Services Manager presented a report to provide members with an update on the engagement events held or planned since the last report. He provided background information and advised that the induction programme was intended to provide new and returning Members with an overview of how the Council operated, including rules and regulations, the role of elected Members, and the role of Officers. As Members had now settled into their roles it was appropriate to consider how they can be supported in their development over the next 4 years. The Democratic Services Manager referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report and said that a ‘training needs analysis’ of all Memberswas suggested to ensure that the training was relevant to the wants and needs of Members and also to address any skills shortages that may exist across the Council.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Ian Hodge and seconded by Councillor Antony Wren.
(a) That a ‘training needs analysis’ be undertaken of all Members by the
Democratic Service Manager to better inform future development
(b) That if Members had any suggestions for future development they contact the Democratic Services Manager to discuss them; and
(c) That a draft training and development plan be brought back to the
Committee meeting in June.