Issue - meetings

Renewal of the North Wales Construction Partnership Framework

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Renewal of the North Wales Construction Partnership Framework pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Eastwood introduced the report and explained that the use of procurement frameworks were widely acknowledged and used as a way of reducing transaction costs, providing continuous improvement within long-term relationships and to allow public sector organisations to get better value and greater community wealth.


The North Wales Construction Partnership was established in 2014, primarily to deliver the construction of new school buildings, or the remodelling and refurbishment of existing school buildings, under the Welsh Government’s (WG)

Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme previously known as the 21st

Century Schools programme.


The Framework was a partnership between the six North Wales Authorities with Denbighshire County Council acting as the lead Authority. The Framework delivered a range of projects across different sectors and could also be used by other public sector organisations in the region to deliver their construction projects.


The current framework agreement expired in May 2024, and the report outlined the proposed approach for renewing the Framework Agreement.




That the approach outlined to procure the next framework generation of the North Wales Construction Partnership be endorsed.