Issue - meetings
Ash dieback Update
Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)
28 Ash dieback Update PDF 2 MB
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That the update be noted and officers supported in their ongoing work associated with Ash Dieback.
The Access and Natural Environment Manager presented the report to update members on how Flintshire County Council has confronted ash dieback in 2022/23 in line with the 2019 Ash Dieback Action Plan. He provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report.
In response to a question from Councillor Bill Crease the Access and Natural Environment Manager explained there was limited scope for recovering the cost of felling trees.
Councillor Mike Peers asked if the Welsh Government provided any financial assistance to local authorities to address the issue of Ash Dieback which was a national problem and commented on the potential increase in costs in the future. The Access and Natural Environment Manager responded to the comments by Councillor Peers and provided information on the further question raised concerning the roadside ‘recovery programme’ to re-plant felled trees lost to ash dieback.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Richard Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Roy Wakelam..
That the update be noted and officers supported in their ongoing work associated with Ash Dieback.