Issue - meetings
Corporate Self-assessment 2022/23
Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 32)
32 Corporate Self-assessment 2022/23 PDF 198 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Corporate Self-assessment, item 32 PDF 332 KB
- Webcast for Corporate Self-assessment 2022/23
(a) That the findings of the Corporate Self-Assessment 2022/23 be accepted and approved; and
(b) That the opportunities for improvement identified in the Corporate Self-Assessment 2022/23 be approved.
The Chief Executive and Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the report on the Corporate Self-Assessment for 2022/23 which summarised feedback from consultation and stakeholder engagement on the findings from analysis against the eight themes. A number of improvements had been made to the process since the pilot undertaken for 2021/22. Improvement areas set out within the report were currently being actioned.
Sally Ellis welcomed the improvements which reflected feedback from consultation. In response to questions, it was explained that the Welsh Local Government Association peer assessment model would inform future peer reviews and that benchmarking opportunities were being explored through the Council’s membership with the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE).
In response to comments from Brian Harvey on further improvements to the process year on year, explanation was given on the work of the Performance team in aligning to the Annual Government Statement and overall performance framework. This was one of a number of corporate documents subject to rigorous challenge through the committee process to drive performance improvement.
The Chair welcomed the changes which made the report easier to read. In response to questions on improvement opportunities, the Chief Executive said that the implementation of a robust new pay model would help towards addressing recruitment issues experienced in the current challenging market. On another action, plans to develop a cultural values-based approach across the organisation would be supported by a workforce training and engagement programme.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Brian Harvey and Councillor Linda Thomas.
(a) That the findings of the Corporate Self-Assessment 2022/23 be accepted and approved; and
(b) That the opportunities for improvement identified in the Corporate Self-Assessment 2022/23 be approved.