Issue - meetings
Strategic Capital Plan Prioritisation
Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 43)
43 Strategic Capital Plan Prioritisation PDF 109 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Jones introduced the report and explained that The North Wales Regional Programme Board (NWRPB), and all regions in Wales, had been tasked by Welsh Government (WG) to develop and implement a Strategic Capital Plan (SCP). The plan should reflect a ten-year view of the proposed capital investment needs of its community infrastructure for the provision of social care and primary and community healthcare. The plan was the only mechanism to release external capital funding to the Council.
The report provided an update on the development of a ten-year SCP by the North Wales Regional Partnership Board, in collaboration with all local authorities, health teams and other service delivery partners.
The report was seeking approval for Flintshire County Council’s participation in the plan and its strategic intent, noting that individual projects would need to be brought back to Cabinet for approval and considered in line with the Council’s Medium-term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and Capital Programme.
Councillor Johnson welcomed the information on the impact assessment and the mitigation of the risks.
Councillor Jones said the report had been debated at Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week.
(a) That the requirement for a ten-year Strategic Capital Plan for North Wales and the associated prioritisation and business case processes required to secure Welsh Government funding be noted; and
(b) That participation in the regional programme, the proposed projects, and the plan’s strategic intent be approved.