Issue - meetings

Updated Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Updated Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) introduced the report and explained that the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy described how Flintshire County Council was required by Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to identify and inspect land within its administrative control and explained the steps that the Council would take to investigate the land to secure the remediation of contamination.


Flintshire County Council’s Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy had been updated in 2023 to reflect current Council policies, objectives and the replacement of a principal piece of regulatory guidance relating to the assessment of land contamination.


The report explained the purpose of the Strategy and the updates made.


The report had been considered at a recent Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the comments received were reflected in the updated strategy being presented to Cabinet.




That the updates to the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy be endorsed.