Issue - meetings
Void Management
Meeting: 15/11/2023 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)
Additional documents:
That the update be noted.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets presented the key figures and key activities against the void action plan, as outlined in the briefing note.
He outlined the number of new voids and those which had been completed and reported that 29 properties had been completed ready for allocation. He also outlined the following, as presented in the briefing note:-
- The number of major voids
- Total overall number of void properties which had reduced to 229
- The performance of the current contractors
- Top reasons for terminations
As requested at previous meetings, the Service Manager provided information on the number of new voids and how many had been completed by capital district area, as outlined in the briefing note.
In response to a question around property type, the Service Manager reported that there were currently 5 4-bed properties, but they required major investment works which had caused delays in them being returned for allocation. He added that they continue to increase supplier allocation through careful management and constant monitoring.
In response to a question around increasing the number of contractors, the Service Manager responded that the framework had been developed for 6 contractors so it would not be possible to increase the number at this time. He also informed the Committee that the in house DLO’s continue to work on 25–30 properties. External contractors had increased their workload from 50 voids to 60 voids as an average.
Councillor David Evans expressed his concerns about the number of empty properties without quick enough intervention.
Councillor Geoff Collett suggested that the Committee move away from receiving the briefing note monthly and suggested that the Committee receive an update on a quarterly basis. The Chair felt that the number of void properties needed to continue to be monitored monthly, which was supported by the Committee.
That the update be noted.