Issue - meetings

Budget 2024/25 (Presentation)

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

Budget 2024/25 (Presentation)

Additional documents:


That the presentation be noted and circulated to Members.


The Corporate Finance Manager shared a presentation to update Members on changes to the additional budget requirement for 2024/25 and to summarise feedback from the recent review by Overview & Scrutiny committees of their respective portfolio cost pressures, efficiency options and associated risks.  All Members had been invited to attend for this item.  The presentation covered:


·         Purpose and Background

·         Feedback from Overview & Scrutiny Committee meetings:

o   Environment & Economy (10 October)

o   Community & Housing (11 October)

o   Corporate Resources (12 October)

o   Education & Youth (19 October)

o   Social & Health Care (26 October)

·         Additional Budget Requirement - Update on Risks

o   Additional Cost Pressures

o   Changes to Risks

·         Budget Solutions - Workstreams

·         Next Steps/Timelines


Since the last report in October, two additional/amended pressures for Coroner’s fees and free school meals had increased the budget requirement for 2024/25 to £33.028m.  An update on risks reported that whilst the pay award for NJC staff in 2023/24 had been finalised and closed off, there were two new potential risks relating to harmonisation of fostering fees within Social Care and the increase in employer teacher pension contributions from April 2024, both of which were expected to be met by Welsh Government (WG).  An update on budget solutions detailed the range of work being undertaken to reduce the budget gap.


In response to questions from Councillor Bernie Attridge, the Corporate Finance Manager provided information on the £0.085m saving from the Capital Programme.  On risks, he gave examples of ‘external partners’ and advised that the pressure on free school meals was due to recent increases in cost and demand.


On Theatr Clwyd, the Corporate Manager (Capital Programme & Assets) confirmed that contributions from the Arts Council remained unchanged and that no additional funding had been sought from the County Council.


Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson said that in respect of the budget-setting process, it would be useful for specific budget lines with no significant movement to include more detail on spend within those portfolios.  The Corporate Finance Manager referred to the significant number of budget lines behind the summary of variances and said that Members could request a breakdown of specific services as required.  On a further question, Councillor Ibbotson was informed that the facility on the Council’s website for reporting rogue landlords was currently being developed.


Councillors Bernie Attridge and Debbie Owen moved and seconded that the presentation be noted and circulated to Members.  The Chair asked that future presentations be shared prior to meetings to help Members to prepare.




That the presentation be noted and circulated to Members.