Issue - meetings

Access Barrier Review update

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 113)

113 Access Barrier Review update pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Healey introduced the report and explained that Flintshire County Council appointed a consultant to undertake a review of the existing access control measures in place on a section of the Wales Coast Path (WCP) between Chester and Queensferry.


The recommendations from the consultant study were discussed at Flintshire

Local Access Forum, Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet in July 2023. The resolution at Cabinet was to gain further feedback from users and stakeholders when implementation designs were established.


A Plan and specification were drawn up for access points to the Wales Coast Path around the Saltney footbridge area and sent out for feedback during October.

A summary of responses was appended to the report.


Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee considered the feedback on 19th December where the proposals were supported by a majority.


The option presented highlighted the opportunities and risks to the Authority. 


Councillors Bibby and Jones welcomed the report and the proposed improvements which provided a pragmatic compromise.




(a)       That the feedback on the proposed access improvements and the potential risks to the Authority be noted; and


(b)       That the proposed improvements to the access points as detailed in the plan and specification be approved.