Issue - meetings

Feedback from Youth Justice Service Peer review

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)

45 Feedback from Youth Justice Service Peer review pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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That the Committee note the recommendations from the Peer Review.


            The report was introduced by the Senior Manager for Youth Justice and Flintshire Sorted and included the findings from the Youth Justice Peer Review which was completed by the Youth Justice Sector Peer Improvement Partnership in October 2023.  This was not an inspection but a requested peer review which was part of the service’s continuous improvement programme. Discussions had been held with the Chief Executive and Chief Officer which had identified key lines for enquiry specifically looking at the strength of leadership and governance of the Youth Justice Service Executive Management Board and the partnerships which were represented on that Board.  


The information the board received was of good quality and identified that the Youth Justice Service was making progress on its priorities and plans.  It was also identified that some external partners should take ownership of some of the strategic issues with some priorities held by the Local Authority.  The Peer Review noted the commitment of the service and its Management Board and Partners to a child first and trauma informed approach which was commended within the report.  Practitioners were commended for the creative way that they engaged with children and young people.  Some areas for improvement related to the delivery group which sat under the Youth Justice Management Board and the over reliance on the Youth Justice Service and Local Authority to drive some of the improvement plans.  Information was provided on the recommendations and areas of consideration made in response to observations of the Peer Review and the progress of the delivery plans which were highlighted at points 2.03 and 2.04 in the report. 

            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) commented that the report provided a level of assurance, and this had been a useful exercise to sense check where the Service was and strategically assess its own plans for improvement.  She provided background on how the service had moved to a stand-alone service and that having the Chief Executive as Chair of the Youth Justice Management Board highlighted how important this was.

Councillor Gina Maddison offered her congratulations on an excellent report.


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, were moved by Councillor Arnold Woolley and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackie.




That the Committee note the recommendations from the Peer Review.