Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2024/25 – Welsh Local Government Provisional Settlement

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2024/25 – Welsh Local Government Provisional Settlement pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Johnson introduced the report which provided an update on the key headlines and financial impacts of the Welsh Local Government Provisional Settlement and to update on the work being undertaken on the range of budget solutions available to the Council to set a legal and balanced budget in February.


A summary of the key headlines was set out in the report and had the effect of increasing the ‘budget gap’ to £12.946m. The Provisional Welsh Local Government Settlement for Flintshire was extremely disappointing and presented an increased challenge to an already very difficult financial position.


Detailed final budget proposals now needed to be prepared for Member consideration and scrutiny and specific proposals would be considered by relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees from February.


The Chief Executive commented on the disappointing settlement from Welsh Government which had resulted in the requirement to revisit a number of the forecasting and planning assumptions ahead of County Council in February.


The Corporate Finance Manager confirmed the Member briefing arrangements of 22nd January and 25th which had been arranged to provide an opportunity for Members to consider the overall budget proposals in advance of the Overview and Scrutiny meetings.


Councillor Roberts said a robust statement had been issued following the disappointing settlement.  He explained that a meeting had been held with Heads and Chairs of Governors the previous evening to outline the proposals that would be made.




That the financial implications of the Welsh Provisional Local Government Settlement and the remaining work which needs to be completed prior to agreeing a set of recommendations for Council to set a legal and balanced budget on 20th February (which will be subject to prior consideration and comment by Overview and Scrutiny Committees) be noted.