Issue - meetings

Contaminated Land Strategy

Meeting: 19/12/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 55)

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That the updates to the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy including the additional amendments proposed by Councillor Mike Peers during the meeting be endorsed.




The Community and Business Protection Manager introduced a report to explain the purpose of the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy and the updates which had been made since the previous Strategy was adopted in 2017.   She provided background information and advised that the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy described how Flintshire County Council was required by Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to identify and inspect land within its administrative control and explained the steps that the Council will take to investigate the land to secure remediation of contamination.


Flintshire County Council’s Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy was updated to reflect current Council policies, objectives, and the replacement of a principal piece of regulatory guidance relating to the assessment of land contamination.


Councillor Mike Peers raised questions and made suggestions for improvement on a number of points in the report and the updated Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy document which was appended to the report.  The Community and Business Manager thanked Councillor Peers for his input and said his comments were noted and the suggested changes would be  made where appropriate.  In response  to the request from Councillor Peers for a list of contaminated land in the County, Officers advised that the Public Register contained an updated list of contaminated land and was available to view on the Council’s website.  It was agreed that a link to the document would be sent to members of the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee.




That the updates to the Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy including the additional amendments proposed by Councillor Mike Peers during the meeting be endorsed.