Issue - meetings

Future options: Leisure, Libraries, and Museum Services

Meeting: 24/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 158)

Future options: leisure, libraries, and museum services

Additional documents:


As detailed below:


(1)       Cabinet note the background information and current position in relation to the provision of leisure, libraries, play, and museum services


(2)       Cabinet requests that the Education, Youth & Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee convenes a special meetinto consider the options included in the report as soon as possible.


(3) Cabinet requests that a report appraising all of the options be brought back

to Cabinet as a matter of urgency, to include the observations of the Education, Youth & Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the views of Aura.


(4)       That the Chief Executive be granted delegated authority to implement

these options in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language, Culture and Leisure and the Leader of the Council.


(5)       That further reports are brought back to Cabinet as the work progresses

to provide an update on progress, and any specific actions needed, in addition, wider confidential member updates will also be undertaken.


Councillor Eastwood introduced the report which provided an overview of the current operating arrangements, an options appraisal for future delivery, and approval for delegated authority for the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language, Culture and Leisure, to progress and implement the preferred option(s).




(a)       That the background information and current position in relation to the provision of leisure, libraries, play and museum services be noted;


(b)       That the Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee be asked to convene a special meeting as soon as possible to consider the options included in the report;


(c)        That a report appraising all of the options be brought back to Cabinet as a matter of urgency, and including the observations of the Education, Youth & Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the views of Aura;


(d)       That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive to implement these options in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language, Culture and Leisure and the Leader of the Council; and


(e)       That further reports are brought back to Cabinet as the work progresses to provide an update on progress, and any specific actions needed, in addition, wider confidential Member updates will also be undertaken.