Issue - meetings

Purchase of ‘buy backs’ using the Welsh Government (WG) Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP)

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Purchase of ‘buy backs’ using the Welsh Government (WG) Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Bibby introduced the report and explained that the properties at 93 and 95 Hawarden Road in Hope were previously commercially let as a takeaway / restaurant. The properties had been vacant for many years and had become derelict.


The legal process of ending that type of commercial lease was very protracted.  Last year the properties were removed from the lease and returned to the Council and had been secured and made safe.


As former Housing Revenue Account (HRA) homes they were ideally suited to meet the criterion set by Welsh Government (WG) under the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP). This was ‘top sliced’ funding from the Social Housing Programme (SHG) to bring back into use derelict or ‘moth balled’ properties quickly to tackle the burgeoning homeless crisis across the UK.


Authority was sought to complete the internal transfer of 93 and 95 Hawarden Road Hope from the Council fund to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) including a transfer cost of £0.150m from the HRA to the Council Fund (£0.075m per dwelling). Also, to note the refurbishment and project costs for the properties which were approved using delegated powers subject to the grant of TACP from WG as detailed in the report.




That the internal transfer of the properties from the Council fund to the Housing Revenue Account for a transfer cost of £0.150m be approved.