Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 - Performance Review 2012/13

Meeting: 18/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 62)

62 Quarter 1 - Performance Review 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to consider the 2012/13 Quarter 1 service performance reports produced at Divisional level for the period April to June 2012, and to note the updates, progress and assessments included within the performance reports.  He referred to the areas of high risk identified in the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) and the work undertaken to address those areas.  


The Chief Executive highlighted the improvement priorities, progress and outcomes against the secondary priorities, and analysis against the improvement targets.  He also referred to the SARC report and explained that risk CL07 needed to be re-categorised from Amber to Red status and that risk CG23, whilst discussed, had already been considered by Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Leader of the Council commented on the challenge and implications of Welfare Reform and advised that a Welfare Reform Board had been set up and that there was an open invitation for all Cabinet Members to sit on the Board. 




(a)       That any specific issues outlined within the report which may require management action and/or referral be referred to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committees for consideration; and


(b)       That the performance reports be noted.