Issue - meetings

Educational Development of Children with a Senior Impairment

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 25)


Additional documents:


(a)       That the Inclusion Service continues to keep members updated regarding the development, implementation and impact of the sub-regional Sensory Service.


(b)       That members retain control of decisions about Flintshire.



The Head of Inclusion Service presented the report which informed members about the development of a regional Sensory Service covering Wrexham, Denbighshire and Flintshire.  She highlighted the key elements of the report as follows:


  • It was agreed by all three local authorities in 2009 that discussions should commence about creating a sub regional service


  • Teachers from the service have already been consulted and feel very positive about the benefits of a sub regional service


  • Flintshire would benefit from sub regional working as they would access specialists not available in the county such as a braillist and audiologist


  • Officers have drawn up a business plan which has gone to directors


  • Next step is to discuss project with finance.  The service is not looking for extra funding and there may be some efficiencies.


Councillor D.I. Mackie said that members need to be able to question officers in regional projects.  The Director for Lifelong Learning explained that that there would be a service agreement and accountability would be built into this.


Councillor S. Jones said that all partners in a project had to be accountable to scrutiny. She agreed that collaboration was good, but that the interests of Flintshire needed to be paramount.  The Director for Lifelong Learning assured the committee that scrutiny was taken seriously and that there was an expectation that regular performance updates would be reported back to scrutiny.  He added that full accountability to each authority’s scrutiny panel had been built into the business case for the Regional School Improvement Service.  


Councillor R. Guest said that there must be scrutiny on a sub regional basis.  The Director of Lifelong Learning in response said that there is a clear expectation of accountability of Flintshire officers and the regional school improvement service.  The statutory responsibility for school improvement rests with the local authority even though a regional team is carrying out some functions on its behalf.  The Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator said that she was awaiting Joint Scrutiny guidance.


The Chairman said that the committee retain the right to scrutinise Flintshire improvement and that members’ rights are not infringed. 



(a)       That the Inclusion Service continues to keep members updated regarding the development, implementation and impact of the sub-regional Sensory Service.


(b)       That members retain control of decisions about Flintshire.