Issue - meetings

Elected Member Survey

Meeting: 24/07/2012 - Democratic Services Committee (Item 7)

7 Elected Member Survey pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To consider the results of the survey of elected Members undertaken during June

Additional documents:


That the Committee forward the results of the Member survey to Council.


The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to provide the results of the survey of elected Members undertaken during June.  Two thirds of Members had responded and the report provided detailed analysis of the responses received. 


The Democracy and Governance Manager provided background information and gave an overview of the main considerations in the report.  He referred to the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 which required the Council to have  regard to guidance issued by the Welsh Government relating to the times at which meetings of the Council and its committees and sub committees meet.  The Measure also required Councils to secure the provision of reasonable training and development opportunities for its Members.


Councillor D. Evans commented on the personal circumstances which limited a Member’s ability to attend meetings and cited employment commitments as a specific example.  He proposed that a further survey be undertaken of those Members that were in employment to seek their opinions.   Councillor V. Gay seconded the proposal and when put to the vote this was lost.


During discussion the despatch of agendas and reports and the cost of postage was raised.  The Democracy and Governance Manager responded to the queries and concerns expressed by Members and referred to the feedback from the pilot use of tablets which had been undertaken by a group of Members and reported to the February meeting of the Member Development Working Group. 



That the Committee forward the results of the Member survey to Council.