Issue - meetings

Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports

Meeting: 09/01/2013 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 48)

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Assets and Transportation


The Head of Assets and Transportation introduced the Quarter 2 performance report for Assets and Transportation. He highlighted achievements in Quarter 2:


  • The opening of the Holywell Flintshire Connects facility.
  • The progression of third party lease terminations.
  • The continued development at Alltami Depot.
  • The arrival of the Transport Manager in October 2012.
  • The investigation of a regional transport solution.
  • The rationalisation of agricultural estates.
  • The progress made with the new Shotton Primary School and the team were also supporting the Flintshire School modernisation programme.
  • The Carbon Trust assessment of the council’s Carbon Reductions Strategy was positive and would be fed back to a future meeting of the committee.
  • A survey of lines and signs had been completed within Flintshire and work had now commenced to ensure compliance with the related Traffic Regulation Order.
  • The speed limit review had been completed.
  • The development of design solutions for the Mold Flood Alleviation Scheme was in progress.


Councillor C. A Thomas asked if TAITH would control bus transport grants from April 2013 and if the review of bus services would be completed in February as stated in the forward work plan.  The Director of Environment confirmed that TAITH would receive transport grants directly form the Welsh Government from 1 April 2013.  He anticipated that the review of bus transport would not be complete by 1 April           2013.  Councillor Thomas asked about links with the police in relation to speed         reviews and if street scene staff were able to put up street signage. She also asked if the council was looking at wider plans to deal with flooding.   The Head of Assets and Transportation said that the council met regularly with the police to             discuss traffic issues, accident cluster sites and review traffic information in order that             management information could be considered and targeted action undertaken across Flintshire and North Wales.  He said that Streetscene could be used to undertake     signage work that would take less than 2 days to complete, with more significant work needing to be tendered in competition. Work around sustainable urban drainage schemes (SUDS) in  relation to flooding (surface water) was an issue that was considered as part of the planning process with officers from the drainage team advising, where applicable, colleagues in Planning, in addition it was also part of consultations with other consultees of the planning process such as the Environment   Agency and Welsh Water.  The Director for Environment said that a report             would go to cabinet   about flooding. The Chair said that flooding would be an item to be considered at a future meeting of            the committee.


Councillor D. Evans reported that the work on the bus bay in Shotton was yet to commence.  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment said that contractors would be on site on 21 January.  Councillor Evans asked if any signs had been identified as not fit for purpose citing the current arrangement along some of the     side streets in Shotton that operated alternate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48