Issue - meetings

Adoption of Council Tax Support Scheme - April 2013

Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 152)

152 Adoption of Council Tax Support Scheme - April 2013 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.




The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management introduced a report which explained the change from Council Tax Benefit to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, addressed the funding implications and the requirement to adopt the scheme by 31 January 2013.  A statement from the Minister for Local Government and Communities and a revised recommendation was circulated for Member’s consideration. 


                        The Head of Finance explained that the report had been considered by Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 17 January 2013 prior to an announcement by Welsh Government (WG) to increase the maximum level of support from the current 90% to 100%.  This meant that for 2013/14, claimants would now receive the full amount of support for their council tax bills to which they were eligible.  Adoption of the new scheme was required at the County Council meeting on 29 January 2013 and the revised recommendations incorporated the change announced by WG. 


                        The Leader of the Council welcomed the announcement from WGbut said that even though the impact of the Welfare Reform proposals would be eased by the proposals, they would still be a concern to those affected.  On the issue of the set up costs which had initially been funded by WG, the Head of Finance said that funding of £2.3m for authorities across Wales had been secured for set up costs which if shared equally would equate to £0.105m per Council.  The Chief Executive advised that commitment for 100% level of support had only been given for this year and it was not yet known if this would continue for future years. 




(a)       That the making of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations (“the Prescribed Requirement Regulations”) by the Welsh Assembly on 19 December 2012 be noted; 


(b)       That the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken by the Council on the introduction of the Council Tax Support Scheme be noted;


(c)        That the written statement by the Minister for Local Government and Communities on 17 January 2013, which sets out the intention to increase the maximum level of support from the current 90 per cent to 100 per cent be welcomed;


(d)       That the scheme as set out in Appendix 1 be recommended to full Council, subject to the inclusion of any change in prescribed limits set by Welsh Government and the consequential detail; and


(e)       That the proposed Discretionary Elements as set out in Appendix 2 be supported and that those be recommended to Full Council.