Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 12/06/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 14)

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That the Forward Work Programme be amended accordingly.


The Internal Audit Manager introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Audit Committee for the next year and sought comments from those present.


Mr. P. Williams suggested that additional meetings of the Committee may be required in future, in view of the volume of agenda items.  He also suggested that the Committee may wish to appoint a second lay member.  The Chair was in agreement with both suggestions.  Councillor I.B. Roberts pointed out that the latter suggestion would need to be endorsed by County Council.


The Democracy & Governance Manager referred to the regular briefing meetings held with the Chair and Vice-Chair which offered an opportunity to consider whether any additional meetings were needed.


The Chief Executive offered to arrange for a report to be submitted to the next meeting of County Council if there was a consensus by the Committee for an additional lay member.  As there was no proposal from the Committee to do so, the Head of Legal & Democratic Services suggested that this could be included for consideration on the Forward Work Programme if the need was identified.


The Democracy & Governance Manager said that following earlier discussion, the Head of Finance would prepare an interim report on Council banking arrangements for the next meeting in July 2013 and that the item on Section 106 Agreements would need to be included for September 2013.




That the Forward Work Programme be amended accordingly.