Issue - meetings

Greenspace Strategy

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 199)

199 Greenspace Strategy pdf icon PDF 35 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment presented the report which sought approval of adoption of the Flintshire Greenspace Strategy. 


The benefits of a Greenspace Strategy would be to contribute to improving the quality and accessibility of Greenspaces to the immediate and direct benefit of the local community.


The provision of well managed, accessible Greenspace would be a positive contribution to a number of priorities within “Creating an Active  Flintshire 2011-2014”, as the local response to the National Plan to increase levels of physical activity.


The Director of Environment explained that, if the recommendations were approved, a review of service delivery across the Council in the management of Greenspaces would be undertaken and the conclusions of that review would be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.




(a)       That the Greenspace Strategy contained in Appendix 1 be approved and referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment;


(b)       That delegated authority be granted to the Director of  Environment, following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Environment and for Regeneration, Enterprise & Leisure to make appropriate changes following Scrutiny’s comments and to review the document periodically and amend accordingly; and


(c)        That a review of service delivery across the Council in the management of Greenspaces be undertaken and its conclusions brought to Cabinet for further consideration.