Issue - meetings

043097 General matters - Demolition of existing three storey office building and erection of a 4-storey apartment block comprising of 34 no. 2-bedroom units and dedicated on-site parking at

Meeting: 20/02/2013 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 165)

165 General matters - Demolition of existing three storey office building and erection of a 4-storey apartment block comprising of 34 no. 2-bedroom units and dedicated on-site parking at Flint House, Chapel Street, Flint (043097) pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:


            That the application be deferred to allow reconsultation. 





The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


            The officer detailed the background to the application and explained that the section 106 agreement had never been signed.  He added that the previous application requested 30% affordable housing but this was now no longer a requirement as the development was for those over the age of 55.


            Councillor P.G. Heesom queried whether there had to be further full consultation as the resolution to grant planning permission was in March 2008.  He felt that there might be changes in circumstances and suggested that there should be further consultation upon the application.  He proposed deferment of the application on that basis, which was duly seconded.


            The Planning Strategy Manager advised that the application was part of the Flint Masterplan and the development had been put forward as part of the wider regeneration project.  He added that all of the local Members were supportive of the changes.  Councillor Heesom felt that this was unacceptable and said that the application should go through the full planning process. 


            The Principal Solicitor explained that it was not unusual for an applicant to sit on a site for a number of years but added that it was a matter of planning judgement whether or not there had been material changes to the planning circumstances which necessitated further consultation. 


            On being put to the vote, deferment of the application was CARRIED.  




            That the application be deferred to allow reconsultation. 


                        Prior to the determination of the next item, the Chairman vacated the chair and the Vice-chairman took over chairing the meeting.