Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) Minutes: Councillor H.J. McGuill declared a personal interest due to her being on Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Community Health Council.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Presentation from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board:
Decision: That the presentation be noted.
Minutes: Mr J. Darlington gave an update report on the services reviews and public consultation. The Public Consultation concluded at the end of October 2012 and a written response had been received from the Council. The next stage was to analyse the responses received, look at any new evidence and any counter proposals. It was envisaged that the Board would come to a conclusion by 31 December 2012.
Councillor H.J. McGuill gave thanks for the update and asked if a date had been set for the Board meeting and when feedback would be given to the public about the consultation. Mr J. Darlington said that the date for the Board Meeting was yet to be confirmed. He added that the Health Board had responded to comments as they were received, including those from the Council. Some key issues had emerged and that analysis would be shared with the public when available. Councillor H. McGuill said that lots of suggestions had been made as to how to maintain services. Mr J. Darlington responded that evidence was a key issue and that every comment would be analysed and figures, such as population trends checked. The Chair said that not everyone had received a response. Mr J. Darlington said that every question would be answered personally by one of the team.
Councillor S. Jones asked if a business plan outlining time frame and costs involved had been produced. Mr J. Darlington said that the process would not be rushed and comments would be taken onboard. Details of costs have been collated and shared.
Councillor P.J. Curtis said that he wanted to see dialogue and negotiation built into the consultation process, so that people felt listened to and that everyone wanted to see a good National Health Service.
Councillor D.I. Mackie gave thanks for the update and asked how the Health Board would tackle differing issues across North Wales. Mr J. Darlington said that the Health Board wanted to do the best for all North Wales, and to drive quality for all in a fair way.
Councillor D. Wisinger said that he was concerned about transport issues. Mr J. Darlington said that transport was one of the big themes that came out of the consultation and that the Health Board would look at options to deliver healthcare in the home.
Councillor C. Hinds asked if the Health Board would report back decisions to the council in advance of public announcements. Mr J. Darlington said that there was open dialogue between Betsi Cadwalladr University Hospital Board and the Council. Mr A. Jones said that they wanted to work in partnership with the Council and that they would take back this request to the board.
Councillor M. Bateman asked if the decisions to be taken in December would be final decisions and asked if the Board Members had local knowledge of Flintshire. Mr A. Jones said that there was a GP from Flintshire on the board. Councillor Bateman asked if they had a local knowledge of transport ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
North Wales (Draft) Information and Consultation Carers Strategy PDF 25 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee support the submission of the strategy for approval to the Welsh Government and the ongoing work of the partnership.
(b) That the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee be updated once the Welsh Assembly have made their findings known.
Minutes: Ms D. Cooper presented the draft Information and Consultation Carers Strategy which outlined how Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board had worked together with Local Authorities across North Wales and the 3rd sector to develop the above strategy, as required by the Carers Strategy (Wales) Measure. This Measure, for the first time, placed a duty on Health Services to meet the needs of carers. The strategy would assist in identifying, informing, recognising the needs of, and signposting carers to appropriate services. Flintshire already had a commissioning strategy in place for carers services. Money allocated to North Wales for the implementation of the Measure was £97,000 in the first instance with a further £97,000 once the strategy was approved by Welsh Government.
The Director of Community Services welcomed the strategy and the funding which would enable partnership working to heighten the profile of carers. He said the cost of the anticipated increase in carer assessments would need to be addressed in future years. In 2011-12, Flintshire undertook 673 carer assessments. If this increased, the council would need additional funding and would work in partnership. The Director of Community Services said that the third sector played a central role in providing services for Carers and Flintshire commissioned services in excess of £400,000.
Councillor D. Wisinger welcomed the news and asked how carers accessed information about support. Ms D. Cooper said that the role of the strategy would be to sign post carers to relevant third sector services. The Partnership Development and Performance manager said that NEWCIS provided information and newsletters to carers and that she could be contacted if information was required.
Councillor S. Jones asked if the £97,000 was for Flintshire or North Wales. Ms D. Cooper confirmed that it was for North Wales and for training purposes, not new services. After the first year of operation statistics would be submitted to the Welsh Assembly to inform them on decisions for funding years 2 and 3.
(a) That the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee support the submission of the strategy for approval to the Welsh Government and the ongoing work of the partnership.
(b) That the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee be updated once the Welsh Assembly have made their findings known.
Adult Protection Report April 2011 to March 2012 PDF 50 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That Members consider Flintshire’s Annual Adult Protection Monitoring Report for the period April 2011-March 2012.
Minutes: The Head of Social Services for Adults presented a report to inform Members about the activity and developments within Adult Safeguarding over the year, specifically Adult Protection and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. In 2011-12, 250 Adult Protection referrals were received by Flintshire, of these 186 progressed to a full investigation and 64 referrals were screened and were dealt with by the relevant Team Manager. The annual increase in referrals was due to increased awareness and training. The new Social Services Bill would affect the coordination of and priority given to Adult Safeguarding at a strategic level across the country. A pressure bid had been agreed by the Council for an additional £45k for 2012-13 with full year effect of £90k for future years.
Councillor D.I. Mackie asked if individual cases were looked at in isolation or if a name did appear on several occasions, was this linked? The Head of Social Services for Adults said that checks were made to see if any alleged perpetrators had previous records and if any evidence was found this would be discussed. He added that trend analysis of cases also identified cases of a similar nature.
Councillor D. Evans expressed concern at the majority of alleged abuses occurring in the home, (96 cases) and in care homes and residential places (31 cases), and the highest number of persons alleged to be responsible for abuse were independent sector staff (61persons). He said that more information was needed about independent sector staff alleged abuses in the home and care home setting.
Councillor M. Bateman asked if there was a reason why the majority of cases involved women over 65 years of age in their own homes. The Head of Social Services for Adults said that many women were carers and were vulnerable to abuse from people at home. Staff such as district nurses and care staff who went in to people’s homes had received training in abuse and were also likely to identify more new cases.
That Members consider Flintshire’s Annual Adult Protection Monitoring Report for the period April 2011-March 2012.
Forward Work Programme PDF 23 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Forward Work Programme be received and amended to reflect the suggestions made.
Minutes: The Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report to consider amendments to the Forward Work Programme for the Committee.
She proposed that the Integrated Family Support Service be deferred to the New Year. The next meeting in December would include Transport Policy, Fostering Inspection, CCSSIW Annual Letter and performance reporting to include update on Llys Jasmine. The Mental Health Measure update would be deferred.
That the Forward Work Programme be received and amended to reflect the above suggestions.
Duration of Meeting Minutes: The meeting commenced at 2.00 p.m. and ended at 4.48 p.m. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There was one member of the press in attendance.